Many famous politicians, capable publicists, talented teachers, devoted fighters, and brave military commanders, such as Fan Noli, Jani Vreto, Petro Nini Luarasi, and Themistokli Germenji were been born here. Just like any other area, ...
Many famous politicians, capable publicists, talented teachers, devoted fighters, and brave military commanders, such as Fan Noli, Jani Vreto, Petro Nini Luarasi, and Themistokli Germenji were been born here. Just like any other area, ...
Many famous politicians, capable publicists, talented teachers, devoted fighters, and brave military commanders, such as Fan Noli, Jani Vreto, Petro Nini Luarasi, and Themistokli Germenji were been born here. Just like any other area, ...